Entomological surveillance planning tool (ESPT)

The ESPT is an operational decision-support tool designed to help malaria programs plan entomological surveillance activities, interpret entomological data, and guide programmatic vector control decision-making. Developed in response to malaria program demand, the ESPT distills guidance from technical partners such as WHO and the President’s Malaria Initiative into actionable step-by-step instruction for use by national malaria programs and partners to strengthen entomological surveillance and support locally-tailored, cost-effective, and evidence-based vector control. The ESPT can be used by national programs, implementing partners, research institutions, or other organizations in different ways, including: annual planning of entomological surveillance activities based on priority program questions; interpretation of entomological surveillance data; integration and analysis of entomological and epidemiological data; foci and outbreak investigations; and programmatic evaluations of vector control interventions, among others.
The ESPT was developed, piloted, and iterated by the MEI and University of Notre Dame and is available as a PDF document in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Farsi, or as an interactive software application. The full ESPT in its various forms can be downloaded from the MEI Malaria Elimination Toolkit. Programmatic use cases of the ESPT in Mozambique, Namibia, and Panama are also available.